About this Event

Using Superheroes and Pop Culture in Counseling and Play Therapy 

Presented By: 

Sophia Ansari, LPCC, RPT

Friday, September 16, 2022

 9:00 AM-4:30 PM (Central Time)

Live Online Workshop

To check your local time zone, please visit: Time Zone Converter 

Registration includes supplies which will be mailed to the participant. Last day to register to ensure supplies are received is Thursday, September 8th. 

Supplies and shipping costs are included with your registration. Please note the cost to ship your supplies is non-refundable.

Please register for this event only if you can attend live. A recording is not included in the ticket purchase. For those who cannot attend at this date and time, there will be a recording available for purchase for APT non-contact CEs (NBCC CEs will not be offered for the recording) at: https://letsplaytherapy.org/collections

To comply with "Live Webinar" requirements, all participants must have their camera on, and name clearly displayed the entire workshop. We respect your sensory needs and will accommodate to make this a meaningful and valuable learning experience for you. For questions or accommodations, please contact Sophia Ansari at [email protected].

Continuing Education Information:

Let’s Play Therapy Institute is an APT Approved Provider 20-609. This workshop meets APT’s definition of “Live Webinar.” This program has been approved for 6.0 APT Non-Contact CE hours.  Play therapy credit may not be awarded to non-mental health professionals. Courses that do not qualify for play therapy credit are clearly listed.

Let’s Play Therapy Institute, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7179. This program offers 6.0 NBCC CE hours.  Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Let’s Play Therapy Institute, LLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.


Continuing Education Certificate:

Participants will be required to complete an evaluation and post-test immediately upon conclusion of the workshop to receive a certificate. The CE certificate is awarded to those who attend the entire webinar.

Please note that the Association for Play Therapy (APT) alone holds the right to accept or deny any continuing education training at its discretion. 

It is the responsibility of each professional to check with their state or national licensing board to obtain continuing education credit for this seminar. Most state and national licensing boards will approve continuing education courses which cover clinical topics, practice management skills, legal and ethical responsibilities and stress management. It is your responsibility as the license/certificate holder to be aware of and abide by the continuing education rules and guidelines set forth by your licensing board.

Program Description:

Many of us have memories of using a blanket as a makeshift cape and jumping off the couch and imagining  we were flying like Superman. Superheroes are a fun and magical part of childhood and provide meaningful new lessons into adulthood.  

The stories from comic books and pop culture media can offer a powerful analogy to frame our own experiences with trauma, grief, anxiety, and depression. The stories may be stories of fantasy but what makes them all relatable is that the characters and narratives are grounded in human emotion.

Integrating a client’s interests in play therapy can nurture rapport building, encourage creativity, and can provide a safe distance to process emotions and gain perspective.

This interactive workshop will provide participants with creative play therapy interventions that integrate their clients’ interests. Learn how to help your clients discover they are the heroes of their own stories! 

Participants will receive supplies for this workshop! Workshop fee includes all materials.


  1. Describe the history of using superheroes in play therapy and counseling, its pioneers, and its effectiveness in the treatment of children and adolescents.
  2. Discuss the background stories and themes (grief, PTSD, substance abuse, trauma) of popular culture characters and stories. 
  3. Apply creative play therapy interventions using superhero mythology.
  4. Apply Positive Psychology and strengths-based play therapy interventions using pop culture media.
  5. Identify valuable resources (web sites, books) to enhance your “geek therapy” knowledge. 
  6. Demonstrate methods of introducing mindfulness and self-compassion using superhero and pop culture themes.

Important Program Details:

Consent to be Recorded:

Live events may be recorded for future non-contact training opportunities. Attendees will be given prior notice of any recording; however, participation in the event implies consent to the recording and consent for any educational or commercial use without compensation.

Target Audience:

Graduate level mental health students & licensed mental health practitioners. This seminar is a beginning level course. This workshop is appropriate for licensed and pre-licensed mental health professionals, including psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, and professional counselors. Play therapy credit may not be awarded to non-mental health professionals. 

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Sophia Ansari is the owner of Let’s Play Therapy Institute, LLC. 

Non-financial: Sophia Ansari is a member of the Association for Play Therapy.

Grievance Policy:

Let’s Play Therapy Institute seeks to ensure equitable treatment of every person and to make every attempt to resolve grievances in a fair manner. Please submit a written grievance to: Sophia Ansari, [email protected]. Grievances would receive, to the best of our ability, corrective action in order to prevent further problems. 

Special Accommodations:

Live Closed Captioning will be enabled for this presentation. We respect your sensory needs and will accommodate to make this a meaningful and valuable learning experience for you.  For questions about accessibility or to request an accommodation, please contact Sophia Ansari at [email protected]

Training Refund Policy:

Cancellations received at least 7 days before a scheduled live training will be refunded 100%. Cancellations less than 7 days before a scheduled live training will receive no refund or credit. If an event is cancelled by Let’s Play Therapy Institute, the registrant will receive a full refund.

No partial CE credit is available. Attendees must be present for live events for the entire duration and complete an  evaluation and post-test to obtain credit.

Registration includes supplies which will be mailed to the participant. Last day to register to ensure supplies are received is Thursday, September 8th. 

Supplies and shipping costs are included with your registration. Please note the cost to ship your supplies is non-refundable.

Schedule (Times in Central Time Zone):

To check your local time zone, please visit: Time Zone Converter


9:00-10:30 AM     

The Rise of Superhero Therapy


10:30-10:45 AM    



10:45-12:00 PM    

Creative Play Therapy Interventions Using Superheroes and Pop Culture


12:00-1:00 PM      



1:00 PM-2:30 PM

Pop Culture meets Positive Psychology: Strengths Based Play Therapy


2:30 PM-2:45 PM   


2:45 PM-4:00 PM

More Creative Play Therapy Interventions Using Superheroes and Pop Culture


4:00 PM- 4:30  



Wrap Up/Questions


Owner, Let's Play Therapy Institute Sophia Ansari

Sophia Ansari, LCPC, LPCC, RPT™, is a licensed mental health professional, Registered Play Therapist™, international speaker, author, educator, and owner of the Let’s Play Therapy Institute. She is a dedicated activist who is committed to driving positive change and making a difference in the world. Sophia coordinates wellness programs for displaced refugees and immigrants in Chicago, IL and is a Positive Education coordinator where she works with schools and organizations around the world to build safe, inclusive, and strengths-based educational environments. Sophia is also known for her work incorporating pop culture and video games in therapy through her numerous publications, Comic-Con panels, media appearances, and play therapy workshops. She co-hosts Hero Nation, a podcast on the Geek Therapy Network, which celebrates diversity in the media and explores how to use geek culture in therapy. Sophia earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Wright State University and her Master of Arts in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Cincinnati. Sophia resides in a suburb of Chicago. She enjoys spending time with her family, watching cat videos, and visiting Comic-cons.